
Many prescription drugs from your home country are sold over the counter here. Also, many prescriptions are covered by your health insurance, so do check before paying. Tell the pharmacist if you have a pre-existing condition, allergy or take other medications, and make sure you understand the administration instructions. Some common medications are not available here (such as Gaviscon for infants and Pepto Bismol). However you can bring these into the UAE with you and often a similar medication is available (such as Infacol instead of infant Gaviscon). Pharmacies are common, including a number of Boots chemists around the city, and there's even a pharmacy at SkyPark in Abu Dhabi International Airport.

Several are also open 24 hours such as Urban Pharmacy, Lifeline, Al Noor and Al Ain Pharmacy. Supermarkets and convenience stores sell basic medications, although sometimes finding a simple ointment like antiseptic cream still requires a pharmacy. A local pharmacy will often deliver for free, but be sure to tip the driver.


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