General Medical Care

Although the medical system in the Netherlands might be very different to that of your home country, there is still excellent Medical care available. The Dutch health system is a public healthcare system with private healthcare limited to private day treatment clinics specialised in treatments such as eyes, dermatology, allergies, cardiology, dentistry and plastic surgery. In the Netherlands the family doctor is the central person when it comes to organising your physical and mental healthcare, whether that means finding a specialist or arranging a hospital stay, you must always have your GP’s (General Practitioner) referral. It is mandatory to have health insurance if you are living in the Netherlands and pay income taxes here. Everyone is insured with the Basisverzekering (Basic Insurance). If you would like more extensive coverage for dentistry, glasses, etc. you can pay extra and take out a supplementary insurance to cover treatments not offered in the standard package.

Generally, doctors in the Netherlands take a conservative approach when it comes to dispensing antibiotics and medicines. Most doctors here believe it’s best to let the immune system fight infections by itself, so don’t be surprised if you’re sent home empty-handed and told to get plenty of rest.

The Dutch healthcare system is a publicly funded system, offering high standards of medical care. Private healthcare is limited to private day treatment clinics specialising in eyecare, dermatology, allergies, cardiology, dentistry and plastic surgery. In the Netherlands the family doctor is central to organising your physical and mental wellbeing. Whether you need to find a specialist or arrange a hospital stay, you must always be referred by this general practitioner (GP); in Dutch: huisarts. It is mandatory to have health insurance if you are living and paying income tax here. Everyone is insured with the Basisverzekering (basic insurance) but if you would like more extensive coverage for dentistry, glasses and other services that standard insurance policies don’t cover, you can pay extra and take out supplementary insurance. Generally, doctors in the Netherlands take a conservative approach when it comes to dispensing antibiotics and medicines. Most doctors here believe it’s best to let the immune system fight infections by itself, so don’t be surprised if you’re sent home empty handed and told to get plenty of rest.

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